WADA 'alarmed' by claims of suspect testing by Olympic athletes August 03 2015
Athletic sport is facing another doping crisis after the biggest leak of blood-test data has revealed a third of medals, including 55 golds, in endurance events at Olympics and world championships between 2001 and 2012 were won by athletes who recorded suspicious tests.
The blood-doping data, containing 12,000 tests from 5,000 athletes, was leaked to the Sunday Times and German broadcaster ARD/WRD by a whistleblower at the International Association of Athletics Federations.
Robin Parisotto, described as one of the “world’s foremost anti-doping experts”, reviewed the data. “Never have I seen such an alarmingly abnormal set of blood values,” he said.
“So many athletes appear to have doped with impunity, and it is damning that the IAAF appears to have idly sat by and let this happen.”
While the evidence is not concrete proof of doping, the revelations raise more significant concerns over whether the sport’s governing body is doing enough to deal with the problem and raises more uncomfortable questions about the extent of cheating, and the number of people who might be getting away with it. [The Guardian]
AltoLab is WADA legal
In 2006 World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) ruled that altitude training including altitude simulators are legal to prepare athlete's for athletic competition.
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